Title: 3 Times Ryosuke fixed Yuri's Tie and 1 Time He Didn't Pairing: YamaChine (Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri) Genre: Fluff, Romance Summary: Yuri is not tying his necktie properly on purpose and is letting Ryosuke always fix it for him.
Title: A Christmas With You Pairing: Yamachine (Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri) Genre: Fluff, Romance Summary: Yuri and Ryosuke decided to spend their Christmas together having a break from their jobs. Word Count: 1,597 words
Title: Officially Missing You Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri (YamaChine) Genre: Fluff, Domestic Summary: They really just miss each other. Word Count: 1,082 words ( Read on! )
Title: Better With You Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri (YamaChine) Genre: Fluff, Romance Summary: One month of being apart sure builds up longingness in each other's hearts. But the very exhausted Ryosuke slept through his alarm and got very late in his most awaited date with Yuri. Word Count: 4,406 Warning: Contains some cursing and sexual
( Read more... )
Title: Be With You Pairing: Takaki Yuya/Yamada Ryosuke (TakaYama) Genre: Fluff, Romance, (can this even be considered as) Domestic Summary: TakaYama's adventures on their date. Word Count: 2,643